Roy Cannon-Berg |~~~| Roy Vessil ____________________________________________________________________ Artist based in existence

An interdisciplinary artist(s) seeking to create stories that personify, anthropomorphize, and illustrate living beings and things; traversing realms of magical realism, mythologies and folklore derived from historical, scientific, virtual, and imaginary sources. These stories of humanity and nature seek to understand the potential for symbiosis, or the complete parasitic takeover, concepts of existence inside a plane of space, worldbuilding, and the body inside and as a landscape. Works are presented in bricolage-style sculptures of gathering reused and recycled materials, primarily in miniature scale, and videos that are conceived with similar processes like collage.

Roy Vessil was present after an incident of unknown time and occurrence. He appears in many of the video works, is known to own a purple sweatshirt, and looks similar to Roy Cannon-Berg; this has been confirmed to not be the same person. Some say Vessil is like the name, a "vessel" to carry the idea of the work, a physical manifestation and embodiment of whatever subject needs to be played--

~~So they say~~

American born in California, currently lives in the Santa Barbara County~